Cloud Privacy Policy Free

Digital and by mouse click to the COOKIEBOX free PP
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Privacy policies are no fun and are usually difficult to understand – and even more difficult to create. No one would voluntarily spend hours fiddling around with the perfect privacy policy.


Good news: No one has to anymore!


We have the solution: pro bono publico (for the benefit of the public). Sounds a bit pathetic, but it’s meant seriously.

Privacy-Policy-as-a-Service hosted by COOKIEBOX - this is how it works:

We offer the operators of smaller websites and legal laymen the possibility to integrate our CLOUD Privacy Policy on their homepage, blog etc. in no time – free of charge and always up-to-date.

In 4 steps to a free CLOUD Privacy Policy

With easy-to-understand questions, COOKIEBOX supports you in creating your free privacy policy.


At the end of the dialog, we create a short JavaScript that contains all the contents of your privacy policy. In addition, there is a short tutorial for the installation on your page – and in a few minutes your website is provided with an up-to-date and tidy DSE!

Sign up to the Privacy Hub

Register for free and without obligation. Get access to our Privacy Hub – the platform for privacy-compliant websites.


Short additional info: The Privacy Hub is an editorial system for the central creation, editing and organization of privacy statements on any number of websites. Due to the fact that the Privacy Hub is a no-code platform, the editor (DPO, webmaster, etc.) is provided with a comfortable operation via the browser.

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Simple dialog: Question-Answer-Click!

By means of a few simple and understandable questions, we collect all the necessary data to be able to create a customized privacy policy – in just 5 minutes.


Almost done – now just create the custom Java snippet with a mouse click.

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Save snippet - done!

Finally, the generated snippet only needs to be saved or integrated within your website and you’re already playing – in the next level (game over was yesterday).


Don’t panic – a tutorial for the installation is on top!

The privacy policy must be easy to find on every page of your website after a maximum of two mouse clicks and must not be hidden in the general terms and conditions, imprint or other texts/menu items. A link with the designation “data protection” or “privacy policy” in the header, footer or sidebar of the website is recommended. It is usual to place it near the link to the imprint.

Privacy statements are mandatory for every website. They inform users about the data processing on the website and about the rights of the data subjects. It is still often observed that website operators resort to free PP templates on the net. However, these have 2 problems: incompleteness & outdatedness.


The CLOUD PP is a privacy policy that is hosted externally and whose legal texts are adapted by our privacy experts should there be any necessary changes. With the legal texts, you are permanently protected against warnings and fulfill the information obligations according to Art. 13 ff. DSGVO.

We make your Privacy Policy simple and understandable: At COOKIEBOX, there are no complicated data protection phrases for which you need a basic law degree. With easy-to-understand questions, we guide you safely through your privacy policy.


Sign up for free!

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Any questions?

Then feel free to call us. We will help you with questions about our product and features or generally about all data protection topics:

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Erich Panihin

Erich Panihin

CEO & Head of Product